Hello, my name is Daniel Sanchez Dominguez and welcome to my website.

This is actually the first time I set up a website that’s out there in the web. I’m using a tool called Jekyll, which transforms plaintext (e.g. markdown) into static websites (I think of it as a compiler that eats text files and spews .html files).

I tried doing this first in WordPress - I even bought a domain (www.dansando.com, soon TM) and paid for a website hosting service - but got stuck. Watched a few videos here and there, read a bit of documentation, but still couldn’t figure out how to setup a simple website. The unlimited amount of themes and overcomplicated UI discouraged me to continue (although I will get back to it!).

Then, I remembered I started following this guy called Andre Weissflog because of a project he developed (chips), eventuall stumbling upon his own personal website: https://floooh.github.io. I noticed Floh had setup this website via GitHub Pages and that all the static files were in a repo: https://github.com/floooh/floooh.github.io/. There were some .html/.css files which I was a bit familiar, but some files had this weird banner at the top which I had no idea what they were. Eventually I figured out they came from this tool I already mentioned called Jekyll.

I decided to learn how to use (basic) Jekyll and thankfully its docs recommend a really awesome youtube tutorial: Jekyll - Static Site Generator | Tutorial. I followed along and this is the result. I decided I didn’t want to use any Jekyll themes, but instead I wanted to follow the footsteps of Floh and setup the _layouts, _includes, _sass, etc. directories from “scratch”. Well, this is kind of a lie since I’ve basically copied (with a few minor tweaks) what Floh had developed for his own site (the reader will notice the themes and colors are exactly the same as his). Hopefully this doesn’t bother him… My plan is to play with this configuration and make it my own over time.